Dysphagia Diagnostics With an Immediate Results
Our Mobile MBS Clinic

Diamond Diagnostics' Customized State-of-the-Art Mobile MBSS Clinic
Diamond Diagnostics’ Mobile Clinic is a fully customized motor coach featuring a wheelchair accessible remote-controlled lift, a patient side-entrance, and a complete state-of-the-art Digital Motion X-ray system. This allows us to accommodate a patient’s needs without the added concerns, hassles and expense of transportation to a remote clinic or hospital – we go to the patient.
Our system allows the care facility and/or Doctor to have a digitally recorded copy of the evaluation in minutes. These immediate results are not normally available at a hospital or remote clinic, and often take days, therefore delaying treatment or dietary recommendations for the patient.
Video Fluoroscopy Swallow Study (VFSS or VFSE)
Diamond Diagnostics utilizes DMX, a video-based fluoroscopy system, which allows Diamond Diagnostics clinicians to view the mouth, larynx, pharynx and esophagus motions during a swallow in real-time motion at 30 frames per second. To determine potential dysphagia issues, the Modified Barium Swallow Study (MBSS) allows Diamond Diagnostics clinicians to evaluate all stages of dysphagia and the presence of aspiration, with up to 2,700 low-radiation, high-frequency x-ray images. The MBSS can help determine suitable treatments, swallowing precautions, and an appropriate diet and consistencies to help reduce aspiration risk. The procedure is performed with the patient sitting comfortably within the system, usually in their own wheelchair.
Diamond Diagnostics... The original Mobile MBS service in the Southwest.

At Diamond Diagnostics, we're dedicated to improving the quality of life for the people and communities we serve and support.
We are committed to providing the very best care, following proven practices, and using the best technologies available.